Saudi Arabia +966

Updated 1 month ago

  • Only alpha tags are supported and require pre-registration. Non-registered alpha tags will result in failed messages.
  • Traffic in Saudi Arabia is categorized as either Transactional or Promotional. Sender address registration is required for all traffic
  • Two-way messaging is not supported. However, you can purchase a dedicated number and add it to your message content where the end client can send their response.

Transactional Traffic

  • Alpha tags must be registered.
  • This category applies to for example banking messages, alerts and notifications
  • DND filtering and allowed times promotional for messaging will be bypassed
  • URLs must also be registered and approved by the operators before sending to avoid further filtering;
  • Generic URL shorteners, such as, are not allowed
  • Custom URL shorteners, such as (for Amazon) are allowed, as this kind of URL is dedicated to a specific brand
  • This also applies to already registered sender addresses that intend to use a new URL - they must be submitted for approval before sending

Promotional Traffic

  • Alpha tags must be registered with the suffix "-AD" added; this is a local regulation. e.g. "Example-AD"
  • Messages subject to DND filtering
  • URLs must also be registered and approved by the operators before sending to avoid further filtering;
  • Generic URL shorteners, such as, are not allowed
  • Custom URL shorteners, such as (for Amazon) are allowed, as this kind of URL is dedicated to a specific brand
  • This also applies to already registered sender addresses that intend to use a new URL - they must be submitted for approval before sending
  • This traffic is only allowed to be sent between 06:00 - 19:00 local time (GMT +03:00)

Alpha Tag Registration

To register an alpha tag, you are required to complete registration forms. Please reach out to our 24/7 chat team with the following details so the forms can be sent through:

  • Alpha tag - Note: Marketing messages require the postfix -AD or AD, eg CSEND-AD. Alpha tag and postfix "-AD" should not exceed 11 characters.
  • Type of messages
  • Sample content
  • Estimated monthly volumes
  • Commercial registration number

*It has a once-off AUD 87 setup fee (converted to your local currency.) If your registration is unsuccessful, we will refund the registration fee.

Registration forms:

  • Both the KSA Domestic Contact and the Delegation Letter must be signed and stamped by the end brand with the company’s letterhead
  • The name of the person authorized in both documents (KSA Domestic Contact - Delegation Letter) must be the same  
  • The KSA Domestic contract must be attested by the Chamber of Commerce in KSA
  • The alpha tags must be like the company name, otherwise, you must share a trademark certificate confirming that the sender is one of the company brands.
  • Stamp, signature, and letterhead must be owned by the same company otherwise we might request a proof letter confirming the relationship

Please also attach your CR documents.

  • Promotional / marketing content is allowed only from 7 am to 10 pm Saudi Arabia time zone (GMT +03:00)
  • No replies are accepted
  • Some networks such as STC are no longer allowing URL shorteners to be sent on their network
  • All URLs are required to be pre-registered and approved before sending

* Alpha tag may take between 30-45 business days to be registered.

How to purchase a dedicated long number

PLEASE NOTE: INBOUND ONLY (must include the number to the message content to receive messages), OUTGOING SMS WITH THE LONG NUMBER AS SENDER ID IS NOT ALLOWED/SUPPORTED

Please provide the following details:

  • End Customer Name
  • End Customer Website
  • Use case
  • Outgoing message samples
  • Incoming message samples
  • Outgoing message estimated monthly volume
  • Exact Outgoing & Incoming message flow of the service is needed (the chain):

It costs AUD 166 Setup fee and AUD 248 Monthly fee

Registration ETA: 35 business days

Regulations and Best Practices

Use of URL

  • URLs must also be registered and approved by the operators before sending to avoid further filtering


  • Promotional/marketing SMS is only allowed from 07:00 -22:00 Saudi Arabia time zone (GMT +03:00).

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