France +33

Updated 1 month ago

*French dedicated long codes are currently on hold until further notice.
French Presidential Elections - traffic containing political content to be declared. Please provide the following details:

Name of the political party:
Sinch Product used to send this traffic: if GW33, please specify the dedicated short code in question.
Sender ID:
Contact Name:
Phone Number:
Has Opt-in been collected?

France is an extremely large and complex mobile messaging market. There are numerous restrictions and regulations, but ClickSend is pleased to have a high-quality direct route into France in order to facilitate your SMS delivery there!

1-Way SMS

By default, messages to France will be from a local longcode. The network will override the sender ID to a shared shortcode (36xxx.) Replies are not supported.

All transactional messages must be sent from an Alpha Tag (no network registration requirement.)

2-Way SMS

The following types of alpha tags are permitted in France:

  • Alpha tag: If for two-way traffic, marketing messages can be sent and must include the opt-out verbiage "STOP SMS AU 36184." Be aware that some mobile networks will overwrite alpha tags with a shared short code (38xxx).
  • Dedicated long codes: For low volume, two-way traffic. Volume limitations per number are a maximum of 100 SMS per hour, 1000 SMS per day, and 10,000 SMS per month. Exceeding these limits will result in a suspension of the number. Also, the Long Numbers are not intended for bulk services and only allow services with a ratio close to or above 1 incoming per outgoing SMS. - (the option for a new DLC is temporarily on hold).
  • Dedicated short codes: For high volume two-way traffic. Dedicated Short Codes offer the highest throughput at 10 SMS per second.

Regulations & Best Practices

Banned Content

- Cryptocurrency

- Drugs, cannabis & Vapes

- Adult content

- Personal messaging

Time-based Restrictions (Marketing Messages Only)

Marketing messages are allowed from Monday to Saturday between 8 am and 10 pm (CET). Messages sent outside of these times will be queued and sent the next working day. Any messages sent on Sundays or bank holidays will be rejected, so do not send them on these days.

Registration Process

Dedicated longcode request ON HOLD until further notice.

Dedicated shortcode request requires the following details:

  • Client Name:
  • Client Contact details (email & phone):
  • Company name:
  • Company Postal Address:
  • Service Description:
  • Sample Content:
  • 2-way use case (detailed as possible):

Pricing can be found here. Registration ETA will take 12-14 weeks.

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