China +86

Updated 3 days ago

Effective March 2025, China operators have tightened their control over A2P SMS into China, where their KYC system only accepts SMS from China entity registration number. A2P SMS from non-Chinese entities are delivered at best effort only. For reliable delivery, it is advisable to register local business license Traffic from International and local company that have local business license are not affected.
China is a destination that requires pre-registration of sender address and content.
All senders to China are replaced with an approved local code, provided that the sender and content is registered.

China is one of the largest and fastest-growing markets in the world for mobile messaging. However, it is particularly difficult to deliver to and many filters are in place to block messages in and out of the country. Cheap links into China will simply not work and the majority of messages will be rejected or blocked via these. Therefore ClickSend is happy to share that we are using a direct link into all Chinese networks with very high delivery-ratio results.

In general, the following restrictions apply to all Chinese carriers:

  1. Messages will be delivered on a random shortcode, with the tag CSend at the beginning of the message. We highly recommend registering your own tag when whitelisting your content. These messages do not support replies.
  2. All marketing traffic to China must have and should be exactly “拒收请回复R” at the end of the content (basically means "To unsubscribe, please return R").
  3. 2-way messaging is available via a registered, dedicated 13 digit shortcode. There is a €100 set up fee and €50 per month fee for the shortcode.
  4. Handset delivery receipts are supported, as is delivery to ported numbers.
  5. Message content-length:
    1. up to 65chars UCS2 or 130chars ASCII for each non-concatenated SMS;
    2. up to 62chars UCS2 for each SMS if concatenated (not support ASCII)
  6. Adult, religious and especially political messages are very likely to be blocked. Known filtered keywords: Falung Gong, SB, Tiananmen Square or keywords in the category of: Gambling, Adult content, Property, Education, Migration, Financial services, Loans, Beauty care, Cosmetic surgery, Healthcare, Red Timber, Alcohol related. A list of blocked keywords can be found here:
  7. Arabic characters cannot be supported in any Chinese networks.

How to Register Alpha Tag

All alpha tags and message content to China must be whitelisted with the network first.

Please provide the following details to our 24/7 chat team for registration:


  1. Sender ID, TAG, Content in the mentioned template.
    • generic TAG may be rejected
    • for banks, full name of bank must be used (eg ABC Sunshine Bank)
  2. Company name:
  3. Company URL:
  4. Business nature:
  5. Service description:
  6. Estimated monthly volume:
  7. Example content here.

For NEW registrations, we also need the following:

  1. Business Registration document
  2. Authorized person ID card or passport

Registration ETA: 20 business days.

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