How does the opt-out system work?

Updated 1 year ago

How does it work?

If you're using our SMS system or Email Marketing platform, we have an opt out/unsubscribe system that you can use.

If you're not storing your contacts in ClickSend or using transactional email it will bypass our opt out system. It's up to you to manage opt outs/unsubscribes.

You can set up rules to help with this. For example, for SMS you can adjust the rules here:

Automatically remove opted out contacts


When sending an outgoing SMS if a user replies with the word 'stop', it moves them into the 'Opt-Out List' contact list. You can adjust this workflow here:

When sending an SMS Campaign you have the added option of using our unsubscribe link. will be inserted in the message body, when the receipent hits the link they will be moved to the opt-out list.

You may view the opt-out options dependant on your sender ID at step 9 in this guide.

It's ok to bypass the opt-out system for some campaigns if they're not deemed as marketing-related: Is Opt Out Required?

Email Marketing

Each email will have an 'Unsubscribe' link at the bottom of the email. When a recipient clicks this, it will move their contact to the 'Opt-Out List' contact list.

Manually Remove Opted out contacts

To remove opted out contacts from a list:

  1. Open the dashboard:
  2. Select 'contacts' on the left menu, then select the list you want to view.
  3. Select 'Clean Up' then 'Remove opted-out' and follow the steps.
  4. Any previously opted-out contacts will be removed from this list.

If you import a new contact list

If you import a new contact list and have previously opted out contacts, it's important to click the 'Remove opted-out contacts' button on that new list after you've imported the contacts. This will remove all opted-out contacts from this list.

Can I import previously opted-out contacts into your system?

Yes. You can import or manually add opted-out contacts into the 'Opt-Out List'. Simply click on the 'Import Contacts' button or just '+ Add new contact'.

How do I re-add the opt-out rule?

If you have accidentally deleted the opt-out rule, you can easily re-add it. 


  1. Open the dashboard:
  2. Select 'sms' on the left menu, then select 'settings' and 'inbound sms settings'.
  3. Select 'add new rule'
  4. Make sure you include the search term 'stop', the action as 'MOVE_CONTACT' and that you include a contact list as shown below:

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