Which dedicated number is the best option for me? (USA)

Updated 1 month ago

The USA has very specific messaging restrictions and a direct connection is necessary in order to ensure message delivery to the numerous networks. ClickSend uses an extremely high-quality, direct connection in order to deliver your SMS to the USA. Replies are supported on all options.

TFN (Toll-Free Number)

Toll-free numbers are a good robust solution for those looking to send straight away. In general, they are the preferred option for many businesses sending small-medium volumes due to the affordable price and ease of use when getting started.

Some things to consider when purchasing a toll-free number is that networks are likely to block generic URL shorteners such as bit.ly. ClickSend has a URL shortener you can use instead with SMS Campaigns. They will also block the toll-free number if they suspect spam is being sent.

Handset delivery reports are supported.

Toll-free numbers can be purchased directly off the dashboard and used instantly.

If you are sending political messages, we recommend you to get a TFN and have it verified and registered in ClickSend. Please contact support if you require any assistance.


With 10DLC (10-digit long codes), you can send high volumes of messages from a local number. It has been specially designed and sanctioned for business messaging. They are the perfect solution for businesses sending mid-large sized campaigns. You can request a local area code when applying for a 10DLC or update your existing local number (longcode).

10DLC is a significantly cheaper option than a short code and the registration process is both easier and quicker. It is a USD$ 0 set up fee and a monthly USD$22.96 fee per campaign plus $3.29/month for each number (converted to your currency).

Please submit your registration here and we’ll submit information about your brand and use case to receive a trust score which will determine how many messages you can send per day. Allow us up to 3 business days to have approved on your account.

Click here to see the full guide to 10DLC.

Dedicated Short Code

A dedicated short code offers the best method of delivery in the United States, offering the highest throughput and performance. They are typically 5-6 digits long which makes them easy to remember. Short codes are best used for businesses that need to send or receive a high volume of text messages in a short amount of time, making them ideal for large volume marketing campaigns.

Handset delivery reports are supported.

You will need to get your use case pre-approved by the networks. Plan ahead as it may take up to 8-12 weeks to be approved.

Toll Free Number


Short Code


1-7 days

1-3 days

8-12 weeks


$3.17/month for SMS & MMS enabled

$23.03/month for 10DLC campaign

$3.29/month for each number

$918.58 setup fee

$918.58 per month


Unregistered: 0 messages

Registered: 50K/day, 500K/month

Volume limits depend on your business type and use-case. Generally higher than a Toll Free Number

No volume limit

* All pricing is in USD

For more info and comparison with TFN vs 10DLC, watch this video.

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