Billing FAQ

Updated 3 years ago

By default, all accounts are pre-paid. When you make a recharge from your account you are purchasing credit that will be applied to your ClickSend balance. This can be used on any product or re-occurring monthly fees on your account.

Can you add my address and company details to my invoices?

Yes, just let our support team know what you would like added. We can update all past and future invoices.

Will my invoice show a breakdown of my usage or monthly fees?

No, the invoice will not have a breakdown of your usage or monthly fees. It will only include the total amount of credit you have purchased. Your usage and any monthly fees will be deducted from your balance.

  • You can view your usage in the dashboard by selecting the product you have used (i.e SMS/letters/fax) and selecting the 'history' option.
  • Dedicated numbers can be viewed under Numbers.
  • Custom fees such as keywords will not show on the account, however, they will be deducted from the balance.
Does ClickSend charge VAT?

As ClickSend is an Australian-based company, we are excluded from charging VAT on our UK invoices.

The total price on your invoice does not include any taxes i.e. you don't have to add VAT on top of them.

Where can I view my Invoices?

When you recharge your account a copy of your invoice will be emailed to you. You can also download all invoices from your account under Billing

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