WooCommerce Plugin in Wordpress

Updated 1 year ago

That’s right! With our newest plugin, we’ve added some features to further improve the user experience. 
You can now easily install our WooCommerce SMS Plugin in WordPress

Introduction: In this article, we’ll guide you through the steps on how to send manual and automated SMS from Woocommerce and show you how other features work.


  • You will need a ClickSend account to connect to the plugin.

You can create an account here


There are 2 easy steps on how to install our Woocommerce plugin.
  1. When you are in the Admin dashboard, go to Plugins and Add New
  2. Now, search for ‘ClickSend SMS’ as a keyword and hit ‘Install now
  3. Then click ‘Activate
  4. Once activated, a successful upload will display ‘Plugin activated

At this point, we will upload the .zip file downloaded from WordPress to your admin.

  1. Download the plugin from WordPress
  2. Click Upload plugin and locate the plugin in .zip format
  3. Once uploaded, hit the ‘Install now’ button
  4. Activate the plugin
  5. A successful upload will display ‘Plugin activated
  6. To confirm if Plugin is activated, you may go to Plugins > Installed Plugins.

Setting up

To connect your ClickSend account, go to ClickSend SMS Settings > Activate ClickSend and add your ClickSend username and API  Key and save it.

Username - the username you use to login in ClickSend.

API Key - is the API key found in the ClickSend dashboard: https://dashboard.clicksend.com/#/account/subaccount

How to send Manual SMS

With Woocommerce SMS Plugin, the admin can now send both Individual and bulk SMS (by ticking selected contacts). There are also few options in the drop-down available for you to use such as changing order status and moving orders to trash.

‘Edit Order’ options for Manual SMS

By default, the message status will be tagged and sent as ‘Processing’. You can update this at any time depending on the order status. 

Order actions’ are additional actions that you can do in an order.

The 'Resend latest order notification' action sends the latest order status message. 

As you can see, you can also compose an SMS from the Message field

Also, you can select templates from here based on the saved ones under ‘

How to send Automated SMS

With this plugin, automated SMS templates and the guide for supported placeholders are both in the same place. You can add and edit the message body for each order status at any time. 

Enable the Automated SMS feature if you want to send SMS to customers whenever their order status changes. Automated messages will be sent to any confirmed order made on the website in real time. You may opt to disable individual order status automation by unticking the ‘Enabled’ check box.

You can also send SMS to a specific customer when you edit them. You can send an SMS to any confirmed changes to the customer.

How to use placeholders

Updated placeholders are supported to personalise order messages. A default message body for each order status is added as a sample. You may opt of using this sample or customise your own. Simply follow the format below while composing your message body.

%first - First name of customer

%orderno - Order number

%total - Order total price

%items - List of purchased items

%orderstat - Order status

You can create SMS Templates by clicking on ‘ClickSend SMS’ and then select SMS Templates. You may use the placeholders to personalise the message.

Simply, click the ‘Add more’ button, add ‘Label’ then create your own template and hit save.

Also, any confirmed order made on the website sends an SMS to the customer who made the order.

There you go! You can now easily send your messages for customers' orders in Woocommerce.

Not able to send SMS successfully? Kindly check the following:

  1. Make sure you entered the correct credentials. It should be using your ClickSend username and API key, not the password.
  2. No balance on the account? To check and top up, visit our Billing page here.


1.) Where can I find my API credentials?

2.) What alpha tag options are supported? 

  • All alpha tags are supported (Country restriction applies) and should be entered in international format.
  • Business names can have a maximum of 11 characters only.

3.) Recipient (Send SMS to)

  • By default, messages will be sent to the Shipping Phone number provided on the checkout form. If this is empty, it will automatically fetch the ‘Billing Phone number’.


If you’d like help sending SMS via Woocommerce, please reach out to our support team via our 24/7 live chat. 

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