Poland +48

Updated 4 months ago

  • Only alpha tags and dedicated long code numbers are supported. As of April 2, 2024, pre-registration of alphanumeric Sender IDs is not required. 
  • Numeric senders (unless it's a provisioned longcode or shortcode) will be replaced with a generic alpha tag.
  • Both one-way and two-way traffic are supported.
  • Two-way messaging is done on dedicated long codes and dedicated short codes.

Regulations and Best Practices

Gambling, betting, and adult content is not allowed

Dedicated Number Registration

We need the following information to request a dedicated number:

  1. Company Name
  2. Address
  3. Contact number
  4. Contact email
  5. Company information - high level of company
  6. Use case

*Turnaround time 3-4 weeks

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