Brazil +55

Updated 3 months ago

Two-way messaging is available in Brazil via ClickSend's shared shortcode

Sender ID Options and Registration Process

You can only send messages from certain Sender ID types in Brazil. Be aware that you may need to register a Sender ID and the registration process may take time.

Shared shortcode

If you don’t register a Sender ID, your messages will be sent from a shared shortcode. You can receive replies, they’ll appear in your SMS Messenger inbox.

Alpha tags 

If you’re a Local Business in Brazil, you need to provide the below when you register:

  • Company Name 
  • Alpha Tag (maximum of 11 characters with no spaces)

If you're an International Business and want to send to Brazil, your Global Sending Specialist will email you forms that you must complete.   

NOTE: Alpha tags registration can take 2-3 months.

Dedicated longcode

You need to purchase dedicated longcodes and marketing messages must be registered.  To register, you’ll need to provide evidence of compliant opt-in processes (a screenshot or weblink) for every contact that will be sent marketing messages. 

NOTE: Dedicated longcodes can’t be used for one time passwords (OTP).

Dedicated shortcode

You need to register dedicated shortcodes. They can be used to send transactional and marketing messages. Registration requires the following details:

  • Client name and website
  • Message volume
  • Sample content
  • Traffic type: Normal or Time Sensitive (OTP or non-bulk alerts/notifications)

NOTE: Dedicated shortcode registration ETA: 3-4 weeks.

Regulations and best practices

SMS traffic is heavily regulated by  operators in Brazil. Spam or messages with political, religious, gambling and sexual content are not allowed and are subject to fines and/or service termination.


This is required. You should be able to demonstrate proof of opt-in in the event of an operator audit or a user complaint. Any form of opt-in is allowed by the operators in Brazil including web, call centre, mobile organised and more. 


This is required. You are responsible for removing contacts from your database as soon as they opt-out.

End User Support/HELP message:

Programs should support a HELP reply auto-message as a best practice.

Allowed sending time for marketing messages:

You can only send marketing messages at the below times to people in Brazil.Monday-Friday 8am to 6pm, and Saturday from 9am – 1pm (GMT -3) .

Promotional and marketing content is not allowed during Brazilian public holidays. See Brazilian public holidays here:

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