Bulgaria +359

Updated 4 months ago

  • Pre-registration of alpha tags is required.
  • Unregistered alpha tags will be overwritten with generic alpha tags.
  • Numeric long codes and short codes will be rejected.
  • Both one-way and two-way messaging are allowed.
  • Two-way messaging can be done with a dedicated shortcode and is only available for domestic brands. International brands can't send two-way messaging.
  • Both transactional and promotional content are allowed and require pre-registration.
To register your alpha tag, please provide the following details:

You need to recharge your account before we process your request. There's an AUD 27 monthly fee. If your registration is unsuccessful, we will refund the registration fee.

  1. Alpha tag (11 characters max with no spaces)
  2. Website
  3. Company name
  4. Traffic type (Transactional or Promotional
  5. Sample content
  6. Estimated monthly volume
  7. General description of the service. Please, describe the service in detail.
  8. Who will receive these SMSs (internal company communication, customers of the company, others)?
  9. How the client will be activating the service? (For example, request on the website for OTP, giving consent on the official website to receive marketing traffic, etc.)

Registration ETA: 30 business days.

To purchase a dedicated shortcode, please provide the following details:
  1. Service description
  2. Sample message

It costs a once-off AUD 326 setup fee and an AUD 1,676 monthly fee.

Registration ETA: 7 weeks

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