How to Trigger Inbound SMS in ActiveCampaign

Updated 16 hours ago

This guide will show you how to set up and get the ClickSend Inbound SMS trigger to work in ActiveCampaign.

Step 1: Log in.

Start by logging into your ActiveCampaign account.

Step 2: Find the ClickSend App.

Next, head over to the ‘Apps section. Search for ClickSend Inbound SMS from the list and click on it.

Step 3: Add your ClickSend account.

To connect, enter your ClickSend credentials — your username and API Key — and link them to ActiveCampaign.

Step 4: Fill in the details.

You'll need to select a number. You can only use a dedicated number for this integration.

Note: Tags will only be added to newly created contacts.

Step 5: Review.

Custom Objects ClickSend Inbound SMS will create some objects and fields in ActiveCampaign.

Fields below


Custom String





Step 6: Map the fields.

Match the fields from ClickSend to the corresponding ones in ActiveCampaign. In order to make the integration work, you need to match the following fields:

  • Auto-generated email to Email
  • From to Phone

When you're ready, click the Finish button.

Step 7: Create your automation

Navigate to Automation: Click on the Automation button on the left side.

Create a New Automation: Choose Start from Scratch and then hit Continue.

Step 8: Add a trigger

There are two triggers you can choose from:

ClickSend Inbound Message is created.

ClickSend Inbound SMS tag is added.

For this guide, we'll go with ClickSend Inbound Message is created.

Please note, the ClickSend Inbound Message is updated trigger is not available and cannot be used in this integration.

Step 9: Set up the trigger.

Decide which ClickSend Inbound Messages will trigger your automation:

All ClickSend Inbound Messages: This option will apply to all inbound messages without any conditions.

Segment ClickSend Inbound Messages: Use this to set conditions or keywords. For example, you can set it to trigger only for messages with the keyword Join. You can add more conditions based on your needs.

In this example, we selected segmentation and added a condition where if the message contains the keyword join, it will filter those messages.

This means that the automation will only trigger for inbound messages containing this keyword. You can add more conditions based on your specific needs.

Step 10: Add an action

In this example, let’s use ClickSend - Send an SMS.

Simply drag this action from the CX App list into your automation flow. Connect the correct ClickSend account by selecting it from the list. If you don’t see your account, you can add a new account to connect.

Once you've filled in all the necessary details, hit the Finish button to save your action.

Step 11: Activate your automation. 

Once everything is set up, toggle your automation to Active.


Step 12: To ensure it is working, you can monitor all Inbound SMS from your ActiveCampaign Logs and ClickSend Dashboard history or Messenger

And that's it. You’re all set to go.

If you have further questions, please reach out to our 24/7 chat support.


What is the benefit of using a dedicated number instead of a Shared number?

  • A dedicated number is fixed and stays the same, ensuring consistency. In contrast, a shared number can change, which might cause confusion or interruptions in communication.

Can I add tags to existing contacts using ClickSend Inbound SMS?

  • No, tags can only be added to newly created contacts through ClickSend Inbound SMS.

What are the available triggers for automations using ClickSend Inbound SMS?

You can choose from the following triggers:

  • ClickSend Inbound Message is created
  • ClickSend Inbound SMS tag is added

Can I trigger an automation based on specific keywords in inbound messages?

  • Yes, you can segment inbound messages based on keywords. For example, you can set the automation to trigger only when a message contains the keyword “Join.”

How do I connect my ClickSend account to ActiveCampaign?

  • You’ll need your ClickSend username and API Key. Just enter these credentials in ActiveCampaign when prompted, and your accounts will be connected.

What happens if my account credit is low?

  • If your ClickSend account credit is low or runs out, messages will not be sent. Make sure to keep an eye on your account balance to avoid interruptions.

What do I do if my automation isn’t triggering as expected?

  • Double-check the trigger conditions you’ve set. Ensure that the keywords or conditions match the inbound messages. If using the "All ClickSend Inbound Messages" option, make sure there are no additional filters accidentally applied.

Tags aren’t being added to my contacts. How do I fix this?

  • Remember, tags are only added to newly created contacts. If the contact already exists in ActiveCampaign, no new tags will be added through ClickSend Inbound SMS.

I’m unable to connect my ClickSend account to ActiveCampaign. What’s the best way to connect?

Why are my messages not  sending and automations are not working?

How can I solve authentication problems while connecting ClickSend and ActiveCampaign?

  • Ensure that your credentials are correct and that your account isn't locked due to multiple failed login attempts. If you’re using two-factor authentication, make sure you’re entering the correct verification code. You may also want to disable 2FA temporarily to troubleshoot, and then re-enable it once everything is working.

 Why are my custom objects or field mappings incorrect?

  • Go back to the field mapping step and ensure that each ClickSend field is correctly mapped to the corresponding ActiveCampaign field. If necessary, redo the mapping process to correct any errors.

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