Send SMS with ActiveCampaign

Updated 3 months ago

With ClickSend SMS app, you can now send automated SMS from ActiveCampaign when a trigger takes place.

This article will guide you through steps on how to connect your account and send SMS.

  1. On your ActiveCampaign dashboard, create an Automation
  2. Once you enter the flow builder, you will be required to select a trigger. Add a trigger and click 'Continue' to proceed.
  3. To add Send SMS action, look for CX Apps and select 'Send SMS using ClickSend'
  4. You will be then required to enter your ClickSend account credentials.
    - 'username' is the username you use in ClickSend
    - 'api_key' is the API key found in the ClickSend dashboard:
  5. After connecting, compose your SMS.
    During composing of SMS, you can choose which dedicated number to use as a From. You can leave it blank to automatically use the free shared numbers. The dropdown supports a hundred of numbers.
    Business name & My Mobile number are not yet supported as a Sender Number/From.
    Contact our chat support team to discuss setting these up as a forced sender ID on your account.
    You can also add strings on your message like %firstName% and %lastName% to personalise them. These strings are being populated with the contact information within ActiveCampaign.
  6. When you are done, click Finish and it will save your automation automatically.
    Be sure you have toggled your automation in 'Active' on the top right corner of the platform so it would run every time the trigger takes place.

So that's it, you can now send automated SMS from ActiveCampaign when triggers take place.


If you’re having problems, please check the following:

  1. Check your Authentication. It should be using your ClickSend's username and API key.
  2. Make sure you have credit in your balance. Check and top up here.
  3. Fill in all required parameters. Required params are phone numbers of contacts and message body in the SMS setup
  4. Global sending disabled on the country you are sending to. Please reach out to support for assistance. More info


  1. Can I send messages using Alpha Tag Sender ID?
    - We only support dedicated and shared numbers for ActiveCampaign.
  2. Where can I get replies on my messages?
    - Replies are not currently supported within ActiveCampaign. Find your outbound and inbound SMS history here.
  3. Do you handle opt outs in ActiveCampaign?
    -Yes. The user needs to do a quick setup to manage opt outs. Follow the opt-out guide when setting up.

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