Send SMS with ActiveCampaign

Updated 7 months ago

You can send automated SMS from ActiveCampaign when a trigger takes place. The texts will be sent via ClickSend. This article will show you how to connect your accounts, send SMS and select which number you want to send from.

  1. In your ActiveCampaign dashboard, create an Automation
  2. Once you enter the flow builder, you’ll need to select a trigger. Add a trigger and click Continue to proceed.
  3. Next, you’ll need to add the Send SMS action. Find CX Apps and select Send SMS using ClickSend.
  4. Then, you will enter your ClickSend account credentials.
    - username: the username you use with ClickSend.
    - api_key: the API key from your ClickSend Dashboard. Get your API key
  5. After connecting both tools, you can compose your SMS. You can add strings such as %firstName% and %lastName%  to personalise your message. The strings will be populated with contact information from within ActiveCampaign.
    While you’re composing your SMS, you can choose which number (Sender ID) to send from. There are four types of Sender IDs you can use.
    • A shared number: This is the default. We assign a number to the outgoing SMS. Replies are accepted and you can set up inbound rules for incoming SMS. Shared numbers are not available in the US and in Canada. More info
    • Your own number: You must register your own number in the ClickSend dashboard. Once registration is approved, you can use your own number for outgoing text messages. Replies will be sent to your mobile handset and you won’t see replies in SMS History in the Dashboard.
    • Alpha tags: Give your SMS messages a unique sender name. We support 11 character alpha tags without spaces. For example:
      - MyBusiness (10 characters)
      - 242WOW (6 characters)

      It’s easy to register alpha tags. Note, customers can’t reply to alpha tags.
    • A dedicated number: You can purchase a ClickSend dedicated number. You can set up rules for incoming SMS and dedicated numbers do accept replies. 
Automated opt-outs are supported with shared and dedicated numbers only. You must manage your own opt-outs if you’re sending via alpha tags or own numbers.
  1. When you are done, click Finish to save your automation. Make sure that you have toggled your automation to 'Active' in the top right corner of the ActiveCampaign platform.

So that's it, you have set up automated SMS from ActiveCampaign when triggers take place.


If you’re having problems, please check the following:

  1. Check your Authentication. It should be using your ClickSend username and API key.
  2. Make sure you have credit in your balance. Check your balance and top up here.
  3. Fill in all required parameters. The required parameters in SMS set up are contact numbers and message body.
  4. Make sure global sending is enabled to the country you’re sending to. Please reach out to support for assistance. More info


  1. Can I send messages using Alpha Tag Sender ID?
    - Yes, you will need to register your alpha tags first. More info
  2. Where can I get replies to my messages?
    - Replies are not currently supported within ActiveCampaign. Find your outbound and inbound SMS history here.
  3. Do you handle opt outs in ActiveCampaign?
    -Yes. The user needs to do a quick setup to manage opt outs. Follow the opt-out guide when setting up.

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