Kazakhstan +7

Updated 6 months ago

Pre-registration of sender IDs is highly recommended to keep them intact for all operators.

Unregistered senders to Kcell will be overwritten with "ClSend", but other operators might fail. The sender ID should represent the Brand name. Also, the content should reflect the sender ID.

Two-way messaging is not supported.

How to register an Alpha Tag

Please confirm whether the brand is a local entity or an international business. If it is an international business, our global sending specialist will provide the appropriate form for the customer to complete.

There is an optional monthly fee of 83 AUD in total for both Tele2 and Altel networks. For all other networks, there is no charge.

  1. Alpha Tag (11 characters max with no spaces)
  2. Website
  3. Company Name
  4. Company field of activity
  5. Company Address
  6. Country Origin
  7. Traffic Type
  8. Sample Content

Registration ETA: 5 weeks.

Messaging Restrictions:

  • Case-sensitive sender IDs
  • All generic/neutral Sender IDs are forbidden to be used and considered as SPAM.
  • Termination of international A2P traffic via P2P links or Numeric SIDs is forbidden.
  • The sender ID should represent the Brand name and it needs to reflect the actual message content.
  • Sending any SPAM traffic is not allowed and will be penalized.
  • No gambling content is allowed.
  • A brand company VAT number is required along with the registration form. 

Regulations and Best Practices

Laws around spamming are extra firm in Kazakhstan. Financial penalties may be incurred for breach of compliance

Opt-in: Required. Traffic can be sent legally and will be not considered as SPAM only if the subscriber-recipient provides prior written consent to the receipt of such traffic.

In the event of a user complaint the content provider should be able to demonstrate proof of opt-in, written confirmation signed by the subscriber, otherwise, this traffic will be considered spam/unsolicited.

Allowed sending time for marketing programs: Promotional traffic to any network is forbidden between 10:00 PM and 06:00 AM local time (GMT+6).

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