MMS supported media formats and file size

Updated 8 months ago

Supported Media Formats

Via Dashboard/API/Zapier/Other Integrations
  • jpg/jpeg
  • png
  • gif (moving or static)
  • mpeg
Via API Only

Other file formats can be converted by using our Uploads endpoint. You'll need to use the uploads endpoint first with the `?convert=mms` querystring. The API response will contain a URL which can be used with the send MMS endpoint.

  • tif
  • bmp
  • PDF (single page)

Maximum file sizes

You can send a single attachment with a file size of up to 250 kB. Some older devices can only accept attachments with up to 30 kB. If sending a gif image, we recommend keeping the file size below 100 kB.

Our Uploads endpoint compresses the file if you're over the maximum file sizes above (see 'Via API Only' secion above)

Images are automatically resized (except for gif images). We recommend to keep the aspect ratio of an image to be as close to 1:1 as possible e.g. 300 x 300 px.

Our Uploads endpoint shrinks the file dimensions if you're over the maximum file sizes above (see 'Via API Only' secion above)

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