Guatemala +502

Updated 5 months ago

Alpha senders require Pre-Reg. Non-registered senders and Numeric are replaced with a shortcode or longcode. Two-way messaging is not supported.

TIGO does not support the next GSM7 characters: Δ Φ Γ Λ Ω Π Ψ Σ Θ Ξ, and also makes some character replacements: € replaced by Δ ø replaced by Ø Å replaced by A “ replaced by " ‘ replaced by ' Ö replaced by ö

How to register Alpha Tag

There's a once-off setup fee of AUD 385 and an AUD 231 monthly fee. If your registration is unsuccessful, we will refund the registration fee.

Please provide the following details:

  1. Alpha Tag (Case sensitive and spaces are not supported.)
  2. Company name and website
  3. Use case/Traffic Type
  4. Sample content
  5. Estimated monthly volume

Reach out to your GS Specialist for the updated form to be submitted to the networks.

Please note that if you have a local entity, you are required to send 150k outgoing messages per month.

Registration ETA: 4-5 weeks.

Regulations and Best Practices

Disallowed content policy: Forbidden content: violence, political, religious & adult. Betting content is allowed.

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