Indonesia +62

Updated 2 days ago

  • Dedicated numbers can be used for inbound messages, however, to ensure delivery all outbound messages will be sent from a registered alpha tag or the generic alpha tag IDSMS.
  • Messages with unicode characters are not supported in Indonesia and will return a failed status. 
  • Alpha tag registration for local businesses requires a once-off 35 AUD setup fee. This can take up to 30 days to complete, get in touch with our support staff with the following information:
  1. SenderID (case sensitive)
  2. Client company name
  3. Client country / HQ
  4. Monthly volume
  5. Sample message
  6. Category (transactional/marketing)
  7. Service Description
  8. Brand's website URL

Regulations and Best Practices

Forbidden content types

  • Adult
  • Political
  • Gambling
  • Religion
  • Tobacco

Message Content

  • Brand name MUST be included in message content and MUST match the Alpha tag.

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