Indonesia +62
Updated 6 months ago
- Dedicated numbers can be used for inbound messages, however, to ensure delivery all outbound messages will be sent from a registered alpha tag or the generic alpha tag IDSMS.
- Messages with unicode characters are not supported in Indonesia and will return a failed status.
- Alpha tag registration for local businesses requires a once-off 35 AUD setup fee. If your registration is unsuccessful, we will refund the registration fee. This can take up to 40 days to complete, get in touch with our support staff with the following information:
- SenderID (case sensitive)
- Client company name
- Client country / HQ
- Monthly volume
- Sample message
- Category (transactional/marketing)
- Service Description
- Brand's website URL
Regulations and Best Practices
Forbidden content types
- Adult
- Political
- Gambling
- Religion
- Tobacco
Message Content
- Brand name MUST be included in message content and MUST match the Alpha tag.