Cuba +53

Updated 6 months ago

Message Sending Process:

  • Messages must be sent from a registered alpha tag. Only one-way messaging is supported.
  • Non-registered sender IDs will be sent over best-effort routes, where sender IDs may be altered.
  • Cubacel only accepts OTP and notification types of traffic. Other types of messages may be rejected during the pre-registration process.

Alpha Tag Registration:

  • To register an alpha tag, you will need to complete forms provided by our global sending specialist. The registration timeline is currently unknown and depends on local network approvals.
  • Important: The registration form has been updated to include sensitive information such as the CEO’s nationality and passport ID. This is required to comply with Cuba’s ALA/CFT regulations. ETECSA, as a designated Obliged Subject within the Cuban System for fraud prevention, must verify the identity of its direct and indirect clients.

Note: Brands associated with banking and electronic wallet transactions may face rejection during the registration process.

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