Cote dIvoire +225

Updated 6 months ago

  • Pre-registration of alpha tags is required.
  • Two-way messaging is not supported.
  • Generic and numeric sender IDs are not allowed
  • If Sender ID used is not the brand/company name. MTN requires in the body content something that makes the message unique to the sender such as company name or brand. 
  • Customer is exposed to fines if:
    - Submit marketing traffic outside of the allowed schedule: 8 am to 7 pm local time.
    - Submit transactional traffic through SenderID pre-registered for marketing.
  • The marketing SIDs can be requested for registration only if the expected volumes are at least 100K outgoing messages per month to be sent over the MKT bind. Otherwise, those SIDs will be considered and registered as transactional traffic.
To register your alpha tag, please provide the following details:
  1. Alpha tag (11 characters max with no spaces)
  2. Traffic type (Transactional or Promotional
  3. Sample content
  4. Service Description
  5. Estimated monthly volume
  6. A NOC form will be sent by our Global Sending Specialist

Registration ETA: 50 business days.

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