Integrately - Send SMS when a new row is added on spreadsheet

Updated 9 months ago


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In this article, we will try integrating both ClickSend and Google Sheets. So what we want to achieve here is to send SMS notifications when there's a new row added on your spreadsheet.

So, let's get started.

  1. Under Explore and Automate, Look for Google Sheets app
  2. Then look for ClickSend SMS app
  3. Scroll down a bit and you would be able to see ready templates available for you to choose from
  4. On this article, we would be selecting the second template "When Row is created in Google Sheets, send Message via ClickSend SMS". Click Activate.
  5. Connect your Google Sheets account and specify which spreadsheet and sheet to use
  6. Connect your ClickSend account
    - 'username' is the username you use in ClickSend
    - 'api_key' is the API key found in the ClickSend dashboard:
  7. Configure the Send SMS action
    To - you can enter fix phone number value or dynamically fetch a phone number from the response data from the previous trigger.

    Message - same with To field, you can enter fix message or dynamically fetch a value from the response data from the previous trigger.

    Schedule - It has to be unix time stamp format. Leave it blank to send message immediately when trigger takes place.

    From - Allows dedicated number, own number and Alpha Tag. Alpha Tags can only allow 11 characters without space. Leave it blank to automatically use our shared numbers.
  8. When done, click Test and Go Live.

With those short and simple steps, your integration is ready and working!

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