Thailand +66

Updated 2 months ago

It is mandated that all SMS senders register the URL with their telecommunications service providers by December 31, 2024.
After December 31, you cannot send unregistered URLs; otherwise, if the government receives a report of scams or cybercrimes from the police, legal action may be taken, including the potential suspension of services and criminal penalties.
All URL shorteners are prohibited.
SMS sending URL must have the brand name clearly stated in the text body.
There will not be an initial block on URLs sending BUT sending unregistered URLs risk service suspension and penalties.
  • Alpha tags are supported and require pre-registration.
  • Operators in Thailand maintain their own DND registry and this is bypassed if the sender is white listed. Subscribers are required to contact their network operator directly if they want to be included or removed from DND, which typically takes 3-7 days to process.
  • OTP messages are supported and must be sent on a pre-registered alpha tag.
  • We offer inbound messages via long numbers in Thailand. It's strongly recommended to send messages using an alpha-sender to ensure delivery and ask the end-user to respond to the long number.

To register your alpha tag and purchase a dedicated number, contact our 24/7 support team with the following information:

  1. Alpha tag (no spaces, 11 characters max, and must be the registered brandname):
  2. Service description: OTP / Notifications
  3. Sample Message
  4. Monthly Volume
  5. Company Name 
  6. Company URL
  7. Company Address with postal code

Registration ETA: 4 weeks.

NOTE: Registered alpha tag has 6 months shelf-life. The alpha tag with zero traffic for 6 months will be removed by the operators automatically.

Regulations and Best Practices

Forbidden content types

  • Adult
  • Political
  • Gambling
  • Religious
  • Money lending
  • Spam

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