Can I remove/strip the email signature from email to SMS/Voice?

Updated 2 years ago

Yes, you can. You can adjust the settings here:

How to Stop the Message at a Certain Point

Based on Email Signature

Say if your email signature looked like this:

You could add a rule to stop the message at the string 'John Smith'. Everything after this string (including this string) will be removed when we send the SMS/Voice message.

To do this:

  1. Open this page on the dashboard
  2. Click +Add next to 'Start/Stop message at text'
  3. Choose 'Stop'
  4. Enter "John Smith" (for this example)
  5. Click 'Save'

Based on Characters

Another option is to stop at a certain character or characters. For example, if you added a rule to stop the message at the string '######', everything after this string (including this string) will be removed when we send the SMS/Voice message. You can choose any word or characters you want.

To do this:

  1. Open this page on the dashboard
  2. Click +Add next to 'Start/Stop message at text'
  3. Select 'Stop'
  4. Enter "######" (for this example)
  5. Click 'Save'

How to Start the Message at a Certain Point

Say if you wanted to start the message after a certain string of text. For example:


This is an example message text.

If you wanted to exclude everything before the text '##Start-Message##' in the email:

  1. Open this page on the dashboard
  2. Click +Add next to 'Start/Stop message at text'
  3. Select 'Start'
  4. Enter "##Start-Message##" (for this example)
  5. Click 'Save'
Rules are shared between email-SMS and email-Voice

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