Tanzania +255

Updated 8 months ago

  • Only alpha tags are supported and require pre-registration
  • Message content registration is required
  • Numeric long codes and short codes are not supported
  • Only one-way traffic is supported

Alpha Tag registration

We can get your alpha tag registered for you.

Please provide the following:

  1. What alpha tag do you want to be registered? (11 characters maximum with no spaces).
  2. What are your business details?
  3. An example message
  4. Traffic type (transactional or marketing/promotional).
  5. Your website URL
  6. VAT number

There's a document that is required to be filled in and submitted along with the above. Please reach out to our GS Specialist.

Please allow 70 days to be registered with the networks.

Regulations and Best Practices

  • Gambling, betting, adult, and political content is forbidden.
  • Opt-In: Required. Any form of opt-in is allowed by the operators (web, call center, MO, etc.). The content provider should be able to demonstrate proof of opt-in in the event of an operator audit or a user complaint
  • Opt-out: Required for marketing messages. Any form of opt-in is allowed by the operators (web, call center, MO, etc.). The content provider should be able to demonstrate proof of opt-in in the event of an operator audit or a user complaint
  • Allowed sending time for marketing programs: 9am-9pm business days only.
  • When sending banking messages to Airtel, Alpha Tag/Brand Name has to match the content of the messages, for ex: Tanzania Bank as a sender should match the content like: “Your Tanzania Bank transaction code is XXXX. Please confirm by …..”

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