South Korea +82

Updated 4 months ago

Every message will automatically have either of the following leading text added for delivery: "[Web 발신]" - Meaning SMS sent from the web "[국제발신]" - Meaning SMS sent from abroad.

Set a title that you want to be shown per sender ID. The title should be mentioned at the beginning of the message content. Set the logic of automatically setting the first 10 exact letters of your content to be the title inside the bracket [] including spaces, such as [Click Send] or [보내기 클릭].


Messages will be sent from +8218112130 by default. Replies are not supported.

English and Korean characters are only supported.


Supported. Requires South Korean dedicated longcodes.

Provisioning Process

Please provide the following details for a South Korean Dedicated Longcode:

  • Business name and website
  • Business local address
  • Contact name and email address
  • Company description
  • Copy of the business license

Registration ETA: 30 business days.

Regulations & Best Practise

Marketing & Promotional Messaging
  • All marketing and promotional messages MUST include '(광고)' or 'Advertisement' in the header. Messages must contain an opt-out option in the footer.
Banned Content
  • Adult Content
  • Gambling
  • Coin
  • Stock
  • Spam/Fraud
  • Political messages
  • Religious content

Opt-In: Required for marketing and promotional messages.

Opt-Out: Opt-out information must be included in all marketing and promotional messages.

Time Restrictions
  • Marketing content should only be sent Monday-Friday between 9am-9pm unless consent obtained from recipient.

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