MiniOrange - Send OTP SMS

Updated 6 months ago

We can integrate into the MiniOrange system using ClickSend's webhook.

  1. On MiniOrange platform, navigate to Customization > Custom SMS Provider
  2. Select 'Set organization SMS gateway'
  3. Select Custom Gateway (GET Method) for SMS Gateways.
  4. Copy SMS Gateway URL:
    xxxx: your ClickSend username from here.
    yyyy: your ClickSend API key from here.
    Message should contain "Your OTP is ##otp##" to generate OTP codes on the SMS
  5. Leave Content-type blank.
  6. Select 'No Auth' for Authentication Type.

  1. Save Configuration.
  2. To test the configuration, add your valid phone number and click on 'Test Configuration'
  3. Enter the OTP you receive on Step 2 and click on 'Validate'.

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