Pakistan +92

Updated 1 month ago

The various networks in Pakistan have different rules and requirements. See below for an overview.




Pure Alpha only. Alphanumeric (e.g. SMS123) is not supported and will be replaced with Generic alpha tag.


Alpha senders require Pre-Registration. Non-registered senders will be replaced with generic Alpha tag


All senders are replaced with a short code

SCO Pakistan

Telenor Pakistan

All senders are replaced with a short code

  • Both one-way and two-way traffic are supported
  • International brands should register their alpha tag for best practices, otherwise, their messages will be delivered with a generic shared shortcode
  • Two-way traffic is supported with numeric long codes and is for domestic traffic only. Marketing campaigns are not allowed

How to register an Alpha Tag

Please provide the following details:

  • Alpha tag (Maximum 11 characters with no spaces)
  • Name of the Company
  • Name of the contact person
  • Business Nature
  • Description of traffic
  • Example message
  • Web page
  • Must complete a registration form that will be sent by our Global Sending Specialist.

Local business registration ETA: 120 business days

International business registration: 14 business days

Regulations and Best Practices


Required but can be done via other channels than sms, i.e. MO number is not a requirement for this.


Required but can be done via other channels than sms, i.e. MO number is not a requirement for this.

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