Puerto Rico +1787

Updated 3 months ago

Puerto Rico - Sending Two-Way SMS & MMS

This document outlines the capabilities and restrictions for sending two-way SMS and MMS in Puerto Rico, a US territory, using ClickSend products.

Two-Way SMS and MMS Support

In Puerto Rico, SMS and MMS messaging are supported across A2P (Application-to-Person) channels. This allows businesses to send messages for purposes such as two-factor authentication (2FA), alerts, emergency notifications, marketing, and other promotional campaigns.

Supported features include:

  • SMS via long codes (US TFN/10DLC)
  • MMS via long codes (US 10DLC)
  • Alpha tags are supported for SMS only. MMS sent from an alpha tag is not supported.

Available Sender Types

PR Toll-Free Numbers (TFN)

PR TFNs are not available. Only US TFNs are available for SMS messaging in Puerto Rico.

10DLC (10-Digit Long Code)

US 10DLC supports SMS and MMS messaging in Puerto Rico. This is ideal for business messaging with higher throughput than regular long codes and provides a reliable option for two-way communication.


US Shortcodes are supported for both SMS and MMS messaging, making them suitable for high-volume or time-sensitive campaigns.

Using Your Own Mobile Number

Unavailable in Puerto Rico. You cannot use a personal mobile number as the "from" number for messages in Puerto Rico. Only ClickSend-provided numbers may be used as the sender ID.

Alpha Tag (From Name)

Alpha tags, or sender names, are not supported for MMS in Puerto Rico. For SMS, alpha tags (e.g., "MyCompany") are supported, but only for non-personalized business messaging, as per network restrictions.

MMS Subject Line

Unsupported in Puerto Rico. The MMS subject line is not supported and will be stripped out before sending.

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