Verify your own mobile number for sending messages

Updated 2 months ago

As a ClickSend customer, you must reverify your own mobile number every 12 months. This  helps us prevent fraud and reduce spam messages. The verification process is fast and easy. It can be done via the Dashboard or API. 

How do I reverify my own number via the dashboard?

  1. Log in to  the ClickSend Dashboard.
  2. Navigate to the Manage Senders page
  3. Scroll down to the Own Numbers section 
  4. Locate the phone number which needs verification. You can spot it by looking for the ‘expired’ or ‘expiring soon’ tag.
  5. Click on the menu
  6. Reverify the number. 
  7. A one-time code will be sent to your handset.
  8. Type the one-time code in and click Reverify Number. 
  9. You’re done. 

How do I reverify my own number via the API?

Please visit the API help documentation

What do I need for the reverification process?

You'll need access to the mobile device that the number belongs to so you can follow the verification prompts. 

What if I don't have access to the mobile device that the number is associated with?

If you're not the owner of the mobile that the number is connected to,or you can't get access to it (e.g. a company phone in someone else's possession), then you can't verify the mobile number and you can't use it to send messages. 

Will you notify me when my own number expires?

Yes. We will send you an email one month prior to expiry. In this email, we’ll tell you which number is affected. In the Dashboard, you will also see the tag ‘expiring soon’ next to your own number. This tag will appear one month prior to expiry. 

We will also send you an email once your own number has expired. In the Dashboard, you will see the tag ‘expired’ next to your own number. 

What are the alternatives to using my own mobile number as a sender ID?

There are three alternatives to sending via your own number.

1. If you  want to have a unique number to send from, you can purchase a Dedicated Number in the Dashboard via  the Buy a Number page.

2.  Alpha Tags are a way for you to give your SMS messages a unique 'sender name'. In ClickSend, we support 11 character Alpha Tag without spaces. Unfortunately, Alpha Tags do not support two-way messaging. Examples Alpha Tags are “MyBusiness” (10 characters) “242WOW” (6 characters)

3. We can assign a Shared Number to your outgoing SMS so the user can reply. You can set up inbound rules for incoming SMS. Shared numbers are not available in the US and  Canada.

You can learn more here: What is a SenderID?

Need more help?

If you have any questions please contact our support team, 24/7. 

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