Send SMS with Teamwork Desk integration
Send SMS with Teamwork Desk integration
Updated 1 year ago
You need a Zapier account first. If you don't have an account, click here to create a Zapier account.
In this article, we will try integrating both ClickSend and Teamwork Desk. So what we want to achieve here is to send SMS notifications to your number every time there's a new customer in Teamwork Desk
So, let's get started.
Create a zap
Look for Teamwork Desk app
Select 'New Customer' as a trigger
Sign in to your Teamwork Desk account to connect. Test and continue
Add a new app in the streamline. Look for ClickSend SMS app
Action should be 'Send SMS'
Connect your ClickSend account and continue.
Configure Send SMS action.Fields: To - you can enter fix phone number value or dynamically fetch a phone number from the response data from the previous trigger. Message - same with To field, you can enter fix message or dynamically fetch a value from the response data from the previous trigger. Schedule - It has to be unix time stamp format. Leave it blank to send message immediately when trigger takes place. From - Allows dedicated number, own number and Alpha Tag. Alpha Tags can only allow 11 characters without space. Leave it blank to automatically use our shared numbers.
Continue and test.
With that setup, you can receive SMS notifications when there's a new customer on your desk.