Not receiving Delivery Receipts/DLR via the API

Updated 5 years ago

If you are not receiving delivery receipts/DLR via the API, please check that you have set up the Delivery Report Rules in your dashboard here.

If you have set up these rules within your ClickSend account and you are still not receiving Delivery Receipts, contact with your API call and response.

Push Delivery Receipts

We can push SMS message replies to your server as they arrive with us.

  1. Log into your account.
  2. Click on 'SMS' then 'Settings' tab.
  3. Click on the 'SMS Delivery Report Settings' menu.
  4. Select 'Forward to URL'.
  5. Enter the URL and click 'Save'.

Our API docs here outline which variables will be posted.

Pull Delivery Receipts

You can poll our server and retrieve delivery reports at a time that suits you.

Receive delivery reports by polling. You can poll our server and retrieve delivery reports at a time that suits you.

After pulling your unread SMS delivery receipts from your inbox you will need to call the Mark SMS Delivery Receipt As Read endpoint in order to continue viewing your unread delivery receipts.

  1. Log into your account.
  2. Click on 'SMS' then 'Settings' tab.
  3. Click on the 'SMS Delivery Report Settings' menu.
  4. Select 'Poll our server' and click 'Save'.

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