
Updated 6 years ago


ActiveXperts has the capability of integrating with ClickSend using its SMS Messaging Server application.

To integrate you will need to create a channel using the channel wizard

  1. Select "Create a new SMS Channel"
  2. Then Choose "SMPP Channel" and click next
  3. Enter ClickSends SMPP Server, System ID, Port and Password 

Note: You will be able to receive these credentials by contacting support, check that you qualify below. 

How can I send messages over SMPP?

Please get in contact with us over live chat on our website to get this enabled on your account. We can set it up for you 24/7.

They will ask you the following questions:

  1. What is you server's public IP address? we need to whitelist it.
  2. What are your estimated outgoing SMS volumes?

If you're going to be sending less than 1000 messages per month, SMPP probably isn't the best option for you. Consider using our REST/HTTP API instead.

Don't try to connect via SMPP until our staff have whitelisted your IP otherwise your connection will be blocked.

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